User-friendly software for developing organizational cohesion

We provide a user-friendly IT platform for analysis, development and management of organizational cohesion in organisations.

A close up of a white board with numbers on it.

Software for analysis of, among other things

Relational capacity

We are looking into how managers and employees experience the actual collaboration. We do analyzes at all hierarchical levels in your organization, between hierarchical levels, or across organizations - in small teams and at cultural level. Depending on what the task calls for.

Psychological safety

We are looking into how managers and employees experience psychological safety. To what extent do you experience whether it is ok to make mistakes and whether you can talk about problems and challenges? To what extent is it felt that we can use each other's skills and do we experience synergy in the work?

Relational leadership

We are looking into the degree of relational leadership in the organization. Relational leadership is about the extent to which the management sets a clear direction, engages in and involves its organization in the interdisciplinary work. We analyze the experience of management's relational behavior.

Citizen-experienced quality

We are looking into how citizens experience coherence and integrity. Whether the citizen experiences that the professionals cooperate, involve the citizen and focus on the challenges that the citizens themselves feel most need help with.

Analyse muligheder:

Vi bidrager med at anbefale hvilke analyser der skal laves, i hvilken rækkefølge, og hvordan de bliver gennemført. Her er nogle af perspektiverne:

Vertikalt scope – analyser igennem ledelseskæden:

  • Vi kan lave analyser på alle niveauer i en organisation – fra den øverste strategiske ledelse og helt ud til medarbejderne – for at få et overblik over sammenhængskraften i ledelseskæden.
  • Normalt vil vi anbefale at vi starter med at forankre dette i ledelsen.

Horisontalt scope - analyserud i organisationen:

  • Vi kan lave analyser blandt aktører som er organiseret i den samme vertikale enhed. Vi kan også lave analyser med ledere eller medarbejdere som deler en fælles opgave, men som er organiseret i forskellige enheder – eller forskellige organisationer.
  • Af praktiske hensyn vil vi anbefale at man starter lidt ”tæt på” med henblik på at udvide.


  • Vi kan lave analyser på det vi kalder ”kultur niveau”. Det kan f.eks. være omkring arbejdet med tidlig indsats for børn i udsatte positioner. Her er der potentielt en meget lang række aktører der både har indsigt og spiller en vigtig rolle.

Case analyse (enkeltsag/projekt):

  • Vi kan også komme helt tæt på og lave en case analyse – enten en enkelt borger eller et projekt. Her involveres kun de personer som faktisk arbejder med dette case.

  • Vores IT-platform er designet for den absolut største brugervenlighed. Brugeren bliver guidet igennem de forskellige trin i processen i forhold til de valg, der skal træffes når man sætter op en relationel analyse.
  • Alle vores validerede skalaer – med spørgsmål - ligger på platformen, og gør det derfor nemt og enkelt at sætte op en analyse.


Når en analyse er gennemført, præsenteres resultaterne i vores resultat oversigt. Her får brugeren det fulde overblik – og kan samtidigt dykke ned i detaljerne.

Den enkelte leder

  • Den enkelte leder eller enhed får et overblik over sine egne relationer. På den måde er analyserne handlingsorienterede, da de viser styrker og udfordringer i relationerne. De vil danne grundlag for de videre samtaler og processer i udviklingsarbejdet.

Strategisk ledelse:

  • Strategisk ledelse får et tydeligt røntgenbillede af organisationens sammenhængskraft. Disse analyser giver en dybdegående forståelse for nøgletallene, som er afgørende for organisationen, og for relationerne på kryds og tværs.


  • Når der gennemføres analyser, er det nemt og enkelt for brugerne at følge med i resultaterne samt følge op besvarelser i de enkelte enheder/funktioner/teams.
  • Når der er gennemført analyser på forskellige organisatoriske niveauer, vil brugerne få et overblik på platformen.

Sammenligne analyser:

  • Når analyserne på et senere tidspunkt gentages, kan I sammenligne disse analyser – for dermed at se en trend for jeres udvikling. Det bruges til videre udvikling, men kan også lægges frem for direktion, bestyrelse og politikere.

Din organisation:

  • Som bruger får du adgang til et afgrænset område på platformen, hvor du og dine kollegaer har tilgang til særligt materiale målrettet dig og din organisation.


We recommend which surveys should be carried out, in which order and how they should be carried out. Here are some of the perspectives

Vertical scope – analyzes through the management chain
  • We can carry out analyzes at all levels in an organization – from the top strategic management all the way down to the employees – to get an overview of the cohesion in the management chain.
  • Normally, we recommend that we start by anchoring this in the management.
Horizontal scope - analyzes out into the organization
  • We can make analyzes among actors who are organized in the same vertical unit. We can also do analyzes with managers or employees who share a common task, but who are organized in different units - or different organizations.
  • For practical reasons, we would recommend that you start a little "close" and not too big in the first place. Then this can be expanded later.
Cultural analysis
  • We can do analyzes on what we call "cultural level". It can, for example, be around the work with early intervention for children in vulnerable positions. Here there is potentially a very large number of actors who both have insight and play an important role.
Case analysis (single case/project)
  • We can also get up close and make a case analysis - either around a single citizen or a project. Only the people who actually work with this case are involved here.
User friendly
  • Our IT platform is designed for the absolute greatest ease of use. The user is guided through the various steps in the process in relation to the choices that must be made when setting up a relational analysis.
  • All our validated scales - with questions - are on the platform, and therefore make it easy and simple to set up an analysis .


When surveys have been completed, the results are presented in our analysis summary. Here you get the full overview - and you can dive into the details.

The individual manager
  • The individual manager gets an overview of relations of its own team. The analyzes are action-oriented, as they show strengths and challenges, and form the basis for the further conversations and processes in the development work.
Strategic management
  • Strategic management gets a clear image of the organisation's cohesion. The analyzes provide an overview of the relational key figures, which are crucial for organizational cohesion.
  • When surveys are conducted, it is easy for users to follow along, follow up on respondents and see live updated results.
Compare analyses
  • When many people do many similar surveys, these can be analyzed at the same time for an internal benchmark.
  • When surveys are repeated at a later stage, they can be compared, so that you can analyze the development of organizational cohesion over time.
Your organization
  • As a user, you get access to a limited area on the platform, where you and your colleagues have access to your surveys and analyses, as well as special material targeted at you and your organisation.
A person using a laptop computer on a desk.

Competence platform

With Joint Action Analytics, you get software to carry out surveys and analyzes - and a platform with inspiration, processes and tools, to build skills and capacity for joint task solving.

You get access to data - and to a wide selection of video material and tools , that can help improve the efficiency and productivity of your organization. This material has been prepared so that complex concepts are made understandable, and supports managers and employees in acquiring the necessary skills when they have to solve complex tasks together.

You also get very concrete guidance for using data for targeted development processes. These guides are designed to guide you through the various steps in the development process, from idea generation to implementation, and ensure that you have the necessary knowledge and the necessary tools to manage these development processes effectively.

As customers of Joint Action, you also receive advice and sparring, which ensures that we jointly find the right solutions for you.

"I have been involved in developing technical solutions for the work on developing organizational cohesion since I started in Joint Action in 2017. It has been a difficult technical exercise to digitize relational analyzes and presentation of results, and therefore I am proud that we has succeeded in developing an internationally leading IT platform for this.

I work in close dialogue with the users of our system, to find solutions together for which functions are in demand and how we can optimize the user experience. In September 2023, we launched our version 4.0, where even more features have become available to our users.

In the IT team, we focus on creating as good a technical experience for our users as possible, and we encourage our users to write or call support with technical questions or wishes and comments on our technical solution".

Simon Hannibal


Simon Hannibal

Head of IT


We understand the importance of reliable and accessible technical support. That's why we offer unlimited online technical support to our users. Whether you encounter technical challenges, need help navigating the platform, or seek guidance for optimal use, our support team is always ready to help.

Our goal is to ensure that you have the best experience when using our platform. This means that we continuously work to solve any problems you may encounter, and provide you with the necessary assistance for efficient use of the platform.